So, previous posts have been about working as an addictive behavior. Other behaviors can negatively impact work. We will use substance use for this example. Work for many people begins at 8am. If someone has been out drinking the night before, they may be late for work, they may be irritable or not prepared for meetings. Their work productivity may be negatively impacted. They may call out and not work more often than is helpful. This can be true for other addictive behaviors as well. People overspend their money, then feel angry because their work doesn’t pay them enough. They may have addictive behaviors connected to screens and social media and end up being less productive than what is helpful. Are there any choices that may be impacting your ability to work well?
As we continue this series, we will link new posts for each section of this series below:
[This is the eighth part in an ongoing series about the critical life areas affected by addiction.]